Bank of Baroda Recruitment 2023: क्या आप भी Chartered Accountant (CA) उत्तीर्ण है और बैंक ऑफ बड़ौदा मे Sr. Manager के तौर पर नौकरी प्राप्त करना चाहते है तो हम, आपके लिए नौकरी पाने का सुनहरा मौका लेकर आये है और इसीलिए हम आपको Bank of Baroda Recruitment 2023 के बारे मे बतायेगे जिसके लिए आपको ध्यानपूर्वक इस आर्टिकल को पढ़ना होगा।
Table of Contents
आपको बता दें कि, Bank of Baroda Recruitment 2023 के तहत रिक्त कुल 15 पदों पर भर्ती की जायेगी जिसके लिए ऑनलाइन आवेदन प्रक्रिया को 4 जनवरी, 2023 से शुरु कर दिया गया है जिसमे आप सभी आवेदक 24 जनवरी, 2023 ( ऑनलाइन आवेदन करने की अन्तिम तिथि ) तक आवेदन कर सकते है।
अन्त, आर्टिकल के अन्त में, हम आपको क्विक लिंक्स प्रदान करेगे ताकि आप इसी प्रकार के आर्टिकल्स को लगातार प्राप्त कर सकें।
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Bank of Baroda Recruitment 2023 – Overview
Name of the Bank | Bank of Baroda |
Name of the Article | Bank of Baroda Recruitment 2023 |
Type of Article | Latest Job |
Who Can Apply? | All India Applicants Can Apply. |
No of Vacancies | 15 Vacancies |
Required Application | Rs.600/- + Applicable Taxes + Payment Gateway Charges for General, EWS & OBC candidates Rs.100/- + Applicable Taxes + Payment Gateway Charges for SC, ST, PWD & Women |
Online Application Starts From? | 4th Jan, 2023 |
Last Date of Online Application? | 24th Jan, 2023 |
Official Website | Click Here |
बैंक ऑफ बड़ौदा मे सीनियर मैनेजर बनने का सुनहरा मौका, जाने पूरी आवेदन प्रक्रिया – Bank of Baroda Recruitment 2023?
हम, अपने इस आर्टिकल में, आप सभी युवाओं व आवेदको का हार्दिक स्वागत करना चाहते है जो कि, बैंक ऑफ बड़ौदा मे सीनियर मैंनेजर के पद पर भर्ती प्राप्त करना चाहते है और इसीलिए हम आपको इस आर्टिकल में, विस्तार से Bank of Baroda Recruitment 2023 के बारे मे बतायेगे जिसके लिए आपको ध्यानपूर्वक इस आर्टिकल को पढ़ना होगा।
आपको बता दे कि, Bank of Baroda Recruitment 2023 के तहत भर्ती हेतु आवेदन करने के लिए आपको ऑनलाइन आवेदन प्रक्रिया को अपनाना होगा जिसमें आपको कोई समस्या ना हो इसके लिए हम आपको पूरी ऑनलाइन आवेदन प्रक्रिया की जानकारी प्रदान करेगे ताकि आप आसानी से इस भर्ती मे आवेदन कर सकें।
अन्त, आर्टिकल के अन्त में, हम आपको क्विक लिंक्स प्रदान करेगे ताकि आप इसी प्रकार के आर्टिकल्स को लगातार प्राप्त कर सकें।
Read more: BTSC Health Department Recruitment 2023
Post Wise Vacancy + Age Limit Details of Bank of Baroda Recruitment 2023?
Name of the Post | Age Limit + Vacancy Details |
Sr. Manager- Large Corporate Credit Risk Management | Required Age Limit Min.: 27 Max.:40 Vacancy Details 01 |
Sr. Manager- Bank, NBFC and FI Sector Credit Risk Management | Required Age Limit Min.: 27 Max.:40 Vacancy Details 02 |
Sr. Manager –Climate Risk & Sustainability | Required Age Limit Min.: 27 Max.:40 Vacancy Details 02 |
Sr. Manager- MSME Credit Risk Management | Required Age Limit Min.: 27 Max.:40 Vacancy Details 02 |
Sr. Manager- Retail Credit Risk Management | Required Age Limit Min.: 27 Max.:40 Vacancy Details 01 |
Sr. Manager- Rural & Agriculture Loans Credit Risk Management | Required Age Limit Min.: 27 Max.:40 Vacancy Details 01 |
Sr. Manager- Enterprise and Operational Risk Management | Required Age Limit Min.: 27 Max.:40 Vacancy Details 03 |
Sr. Manager- Portfolio Monitoring & Quality Control | Required Age Limit Min.: 27 Max.:40 Vacancy Details 01 |
Sr. Manager- Fraud Incidence and Root Cause Analysis | Required Age Limit Min.: 27 Max.:40 Vacancy Details 01 |
No of Total Vacancies | 15 Vacancies |
Post Wise Qualification + Experience Required For Bank of Baroda Recruitment 2023?
Name of the Post | Qualification + Experience |
Sr. Manager- Large Corporate Credit Risk Management | Education Qualification Chartered Accountant (CA), or Full time MBA/PGDM or its equivalent as full-time course from recognized institute Preferred: CFA (CFA institute-USA) FRM (GARP) PRM (PRMIA) ESG (CFA institute-USA) SCR(GARP) Work Experience Minimum 5 years of overall experience in BFSI Sector with at least 3 years in Corporate Banking/ Risk Management Department dealing with Credit Risk. Needs to demonstrate credit assessment and underwriting skills of Large Corporates in the country |
Sr. Manager- Bank, NBFC and FI Sector Credit Risk Management | Education Qualification Chartered Accountant (CA), or Full time MBA/PGDM or its equivalent as full-time course from recognized institute Preferred: CFA (CFA institute-USA) FRM (GARP) PRM (PRMIA) ESG (CFA institute-USA) SCR(GARP) Work Experience Minimum 5 years of overall experience in BFSI Sector with at least 3 years in Corporate & Institutional Banking/Risk Management Department dealing with Credit Risk. Needs to demonstrate credit assessment and underwriting skills of Banks/NBFCs/FIs in the country |
Sr. Manager –Climate Risk & Sustainability | Education Qualification Chartered Accountant (CA), or Full time MBA/PGDM or its equivalent as full-time course from recognized institute Preferred: CFA (CFA institute-USA) FRM (GARP) PRM (PRMIA) ESG (CFA institute-USA) SCR(GARP) Work Experience Minimum 5 years of overall experience in BFSI Sector with at least 3 years in Project Finance especially in the field of infrastructure like- Roads, Ports, Power etc |
Sr. Manager- MSME Credit Risk Management | Education Qualification Chartered Accountant (CA), or Full time MBA/PGDM or its equivalent as full-time course from recognized institute Preferred: CFA (CFA institute-USA) FRM (GARP) PRM (PRMIA) ESG (CFA institute-USA) SCR(GARP) Work Experience Minimum 5 years of overall experience in BFSI Sector with at least 3 years in MSME Credit /Risk Management Department dealing with Credit Risk. Needs to demonstrate credit assessment and underwriting skills of MSME segment |
Sr. Manager- Retail Credit Risk Management | Education Qualification Chartered Accountant (CA), or Full time MBA/PGDM or its equivalent as full-time course from recognized institute Preferred: CFA (CFA institute-USA) FRM (GARP) PRM (PRMIA) ESG (CFA institute-USA) SCR(GARP) Work ExperienceMinimum 5 years of overall experience in BFSI Sector with at least 3 years in Retail banking /Risk Management Department dealing with Credit Risk. Needs to demonstrate credit assessment and underwriting skills of Retail Loans |
Sr. Manager- Rural & Agriculture Loans Credit Risk Management | Education Qualification Chartered Accountant (CA), or Full time MBA/PGDM or its equivalent as full-time course from recognized institute Preferred: CFA (CFA institute-USA) FRM (GARP) PRM (PRMIA) ESG (CFA institute-USA) SCR (GARP) Work Experience Minimum 5 years of overall experience in BFSI Sector with at least 3 years in Agriculture loans /Risk Management Department dealing with Credit Risk |
Sr. Manager- Enterprise and Operational Risk Management | Education Qualification Chartered Accountant (CA), or Full time MBA/PGDM or its equivalent as full-time course from recognized institute Preferred: CFA (CFA institute-USA) FRM (GARP) PRM (PRMIA) ESG (CFA institute-USA) SCR(GARP) Work Experience Minimum of 5 years’ experience in BFSI Sector in Operational Risk domain, out of which minimum 3 years’ of experience at an operational unit. Experience of working on management of Internal Controls, Process & IT controls can also considered |
Sr. Manager- Portfolio Monitoring & Quality Control | Education Qualification Chartered Accountant (CA), or Full time MBA/PGDM or its equivalent as full-time course from recognized institute, or Preferred: CFA (CFA institute-USA), FRM(GARP), PRM (PRMIA) Work Experience Minimum 5 years of overall experience in BFSI Sector with at least 3 years in Corporate Banking/Monitoring function |
Sr. Manager- Fraud Incidence and Root Cause Analysis | Education Qualification Chartered Accountant (CA), or Company Secretary (CS) or ICWA or Full time MBA/PGDM or its equivalent as full-time course from recognized institute Work Experience Minimum 5 years’ experience in BFSI Sector out of which 3 years’ experience is in the field of – Audit / Compliance / Risk & Governance/ Operational Risk/Fraud Risk |
How to Apply Online in Bank of Baroda Recruitment 2023?
इस भर्ती मे आवेदन करने के लिए आपको कुछ स्टेप्स को फॉलो करना होगा जो कि, इस प्रकार का होगा –
- Bank of Baroda Recruitment 2023 मे ऑनलाइन आवेदन करने लिए सबसे पहले आप सभी आवेदक व उम्मीदवारो को इस Direct Link To Apply Online का विकल्प मिलेगा जिस पर आपको क्लिक करना होगा,
- क्लिक करने के बाद आपके सामने कुछ इस प्रकार का पेज खुलेगा –

- इस पेज पर आने के बाद आपको Apply Now का विकल्प मिलेगा जिस पर आपको क्लिक करना होगा,
- क्लिक कने के बाद आपके सामने इसका एक नया पेज खुलेगा जो कि, इस प्रकार का होगा –

- अब इस पोज पर आपको मांगी जाने वाली जानकारीयो को दर्ज करना होगा और Get OTP के विकल्प पर क्लिक करना होगा,
- क्लिक करने के बाद आपके सामने इसका Application Form खुल जायेगा जिसे आपको ध्यानपूर्वक भरना होगा,
- मांगे जाने वाले सभी दस्तावेजो को स्कैन करके अपलोड करना होगा औऱ
- अन्त मे, आपको आवेदन शुल्क का ऑनलाइन पेमेंट करके सबमिट के विकल्प पर क्लिक करना होगा जिसके बाद आपको आपके आवेदन की रसीद मिल जायेगी जिसे आपको सुरक्षित रखना होगा आदि।
उपरोक्त सभी स्टेप्स को फॉलो करके आप आसानी से इस भर्ती मे आवेदन कर सकते है औ इसमें अपना करियर बना सकते है।
बैंक ऑफ बड़ौदा मे करियर बनाने की चाहत रखने वाले आप सभी युवाओँ व उम्मीदवारो को हमने इस आर्टिकल में, ना केवल विस्तार से Bank of Baroda Recruitment 2023 के बारे मे बताया बल्कि हमने आपको पूरी ऑनलाइन आवेदन प्रक्रिया के बारे मे बताया ताकि आप सभी आसानी से इस भर्ती मे आवेदन करके इसमे अपना करियर बना सकें।
अन्त, आर्टिकल के अन्त में, हमें उम्मीद है कि,आप सभी को हमारा यह आर्टिकल बेहद पसंद आया होगा जिसके लिए आप हमारे इस आर्टिकल को लाइक, शेयर व कमेंट करेगे।
Official Website | Click Here |
Official Advertisement | Click Here |
Direct Link To Apply | Click Here |
Q1. How can I get selected in Bank of Baroda?
Ans.: Bank of Baroda PO Selection Process 2022 Shortlisting of the candidates based on their performance in the exam. The candidates are shortlisted based on the total merit marks I e, the merit of objective type, and the descriptive type. Selected candidates are then called for the Group Discussion/ Person Interview round.
Q2. How can I become a Bank of Baroda Clerk?
Ans.: The Bank of Baroda Clerk recruitment is carried out by the IBPS (Institute of Banking Personnel Selection). All candidates between the ages of 20-28 can apply for the recruitment. These candidates would require a minimum of a graduation degree from a Government recognized institution.
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